wtorek, 13 kwietnia 2021

It’s always risky when we decide to live


We untie relationships, shoe laces, ribbons,
summer dresses, hill tops. Trails leading down,
problems, which we want to forget about
before they lift up in the neighbours’ eyes
to leave home in peace. Sometimes we run
ahead or stop in the wind, we sway
in the rhythm of grains, next to falling leaves.

In the grass, the smell of pastures, of peat which I recognise
even though it hasn’t been many years
since I started living at the end of the street and I never tried
to get further out, further to the west. In the new era of nothing.

In the dug out ancestors’ tongue sometimes I don’t understand
a word, but I see reliance and disappearing secrets.
The order in which people go out and lose their waistlines.
On the banks of marshes, in the sludge of rainy days, the earth closes up.
The shoreline disappears, the light. Secluded hiding places, dens, blurry
ownership. Renewing a grudge, competitiveness.
This means that we won’t notice the little spot on the inside,
swelling thoughts, time and space.

Where do you exist if I can’t recognize the road?
We don’t need to explain letters, intentions and smells to each other.
It annoys you, like the mystery of death. Pop-up windows,
obstacles. It’s strange that you don’t know much about food and drink,
since you stir my appetite. You wait for me to name the curiosity,
the fear and the world which – not in my way – circles
around devices and some trifle.

Tłumaczenie Anna Błasiak 

6 komentarzy:

  1. Dziękuję Anno :* masz więcej wiary ode mnie w mój dypolm :P a grafiki, pomyślę co Ci wyrysować :*

  2. Wytrwałości życzę.
    Lubię ten Twój wiersz:)

  3. koniecznie WRACAJ!!! i pokaż dyplom :-)

  4. u mnie podobnie, mało wejść na blogi. wpadam zostawić pozdrowienia, ciepły usmiech i garść życzliwości. pozdrawiam serdecznie Ala
